A brief overview of the causes and management of back pain
About 1 in 6 people in England suffer from low back pain. Back pain has multiple causes that I will explain later in the article. The back muscles help support your weight, maintain your balance and are essential for body movements such as walking, sitting, standing and running.
If you have a continuous backache, your back muscles are under stress. Following a routine and including exercise in your everyday regime will strengthen your back muscles. Stretching, walking, strength training and workouts will improve your overall fitness and stiffness and keep the pain at bay. Stiffness is a factor in the development of back pain. One should keep moving or stretching muscles to avoid stiffness. Once the tightness improves, your back pain will ease. If you are not a big fan of exercising in the gym, walking every day and swimming are very helpful for back pain. You can also do yoga, pilates or dance aerobics, but only under the supervision of a qualified instructor. All the exercises mentioned above improve core muscle strength.
Applying heat pads and ice packs relieves inflammation and pain. Simple painkillers, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen, can reduce pain. A massage, change of footwear or applying pressure at specific pressure points (acupressure) are common remedies that can de-stress your back. Taking a break from work or increasing your nighttime sleep duration also lessens back pain.
Poor posture is a significant cause of back pain. Various chairs and posture-improving cushions and supports are available for purchase. Avoid repeating postures. Change to different postures to avoid stiffness and tensing your muscles.
Back pain has many causes, including muscle strain, degenerative changes in the spine (spondylosis), herniated discs, inflammatory causes (ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis), spinal infections, tumours, osteoporosis, fractures, kidney problems and aortic aneurysms. Back pain must be investigated to make a diagnosis and rule out dangerous causes. One should visit a doctor, preferably one specialising in spine pain. Cardiff pain clinic is a spine clinic (back pain clinic) where Dr Rahul Guru, a pain medicine consultant in Cardiff, South Wales, can help investigate and manage back pain. Various types of treatments, such as medications, facet joint injections, nerve root blocks, epidural injections and radiofrequency denervations, are provided by Dr Rahul Guru. Visit us at https://cardiffpainclinic.com/ for consultation and treatment.